AA#3752: TITLE IX: Responding to Discrimination on the Basis of Sex in K-12 School Systems

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Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (20 USC §1681 et seq.) is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity, including K-12 public schools. Title IX was first signed into law on June 23, 1972 and is considered a civil rights statute. The Title IX regulations (34 CFR Part 106) were significantly amended in 2020 and will be effective on August 14, 2020. The new regulations contain six distinct requirements for K-12 school systems; all six outcomes will be addressed in this course:

1. Program compliance (athletics/extracurricular activities) and instructional courses (single sex/co-educational)
2. Adopt Title IX policies and procedures that comply with current law
3. Monitor and report Title IX violations (systemic and individual)
4. Investigate Title IX complaints (formal and informal)
5. Conduct Title IX hearing proceedings (optional for K-12 school systems)
6. Communicate investigation results and offer supportive measures (interim and formal)

Title IX guidance documents (x3) and a training video published by the U.S. Department of Education will be assigned to read, review and study in advance of the course. These pre-assigned materials, located at a public and open-sourced link, will require participants to engage in a minimum of 2 hours of work outside the course. Each participant will also review and bring to the course the Title IX policy and procedures adopted by their individual school districts. A checklist will be provided to each participant that contains required policy and procedure language.

Refunds will be issued only to participants who call the ROE seven (7) business days before the start date of the program or if the program is cancelled.