AA#2000 - Initial Principal Evaluator Training

  • Event Number
  • Dates
    09/10/2024     8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
    09/12/2024     8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Presenters
    Catherine Berning & Jordan Eggleson
  • Intended Audience
    Principal Evlauators
  • Location
    Online, , ,
  • Fee
  • PD Hours
  • Status
    Registration Closed
No address available.

This 2-day course will cover all aspects of principal evaluations, including professional practice and student growth data. AA #2000 requires pre-work to be completed prior to the first day the course meets. Participants must attend both days of the course and complete the required Application for Dissemination for each day to receive credit for AA #2000. This course will provide participants with the knowledge to 1) identify and disseminate minimum state requirements, performance standards and best practices; 2) facilitate a common language and dialogue around performance and its impact on school improvement, professional practice, and student outcomes; and 3) encourage collaboration, learning, and alignment among stake holders. This is a high-quality, scalable, sustainable, and user-focused content and delivery model.

Participants MUST attend both days for credit. Refunds will be issued only to participants who call the ROE seven (7) business days before the start date of the program or if the program is canceled.