AI For Educators Conference
Event Number430-24
Date10/26/2023 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Intended AudienceAll
PD Hours4.5
StatusRegistration Closed
No address available.
Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay. And it's only going to become more and more prominent in our lives and work. So how do we harness powerful AI tools – and use them for good – to personalize learning, boost engagement, increase productivity, and enhance processes in education? We equip ourselves with knowledge and take AI by the reigns.
Attend the half-day virtual AI in Edu Conference and take charge of AI so it benefits you, your team, your students, and your educational setting.
30-day access to all sessions (recorded) after the conference. This event is sponsored by Kane ROE in partnership with TCEA.